Development update!

2. 3. 2022

Hello guys!

I hope you are all well. :peepoLove: It’s been exactly 3 months since I gave you the last update, and I think it’s time to give you more details about what we are working on.

First of all – current airports and mainly Prague. As I said in the interview for FSNews and as I shared in some WIP screenshots, I was working on new ground textures, and in the case of Prague, I was redoing some terminal textures as well. I’ve created a completely new model and texture of jetway, which can be now easily adjusted to the needs of any airport. New ground textures were created based on intensive observing of the behaviour of the material, and they are working with the weather (natively in XP11) to create an even better impression in the sim. It was one of the biggest challenges, I was facing during development.

Another thing – python scripts. I refreshed my knowledge from the first year of my Bachelor’s and started to work with python again. In the future, it will give me the option to create custom datarefs, which can be later used for sceneries or any other purpose. I’ve already prepared for you one script which will give you the option to automatically update lights in front of the arrival hall in Prague, and those data will be based on what is there currently is in reality. Those will be also included in the update, but this is only a bit of – why am I doing this. The main purpose is MUXP. Those who own LKPR or LBBG knows how it can be complicated to work with MUXP to update your ortho. Therefore (according to the license of MUXP) I’ve decided to use the base code of MUXP and create a simplified version for our sceneries. This won’t be done soon, but it is something I will be focusing on in the future as well.

Last thing – the thing that you are all probably interested in the most – the new Airport. Well, as I did with Burgas, I won’t tell you much. But I will tease you a bit and maybe, some of you will find out based on the picture. As I mentioned, I was working on some bugs and improvements, which should be now sorted, so we can focus back on development. Updates for current airports will be released before, new airport afterwards. ETA is not known, and we can’t guarantee anything, but we would like to have it all done by April.

That’s everything from us! Stay healthy and safe, we are looking forward to serving you more details soon!
